Bureau of Watershed Protection and Restoration

The Bureau of Watershed Protection and Restoration is responsible for the environmental assessment, restoration implementation, and ecological evaluation work associated with the County's clean water obligations under its Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit and the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL).

To report a concern relating to County infrastructure/assets, please call 311 or report online via SeeClickFix. Once a concern is reported, SeeClickFix can also be used to check on the status of the inquiry.

For over 20 years, Anne Arundel County has been monitoring the health of streams as part of the Countywide Biological Stream Survey. Learn more about this random-sampling program and how the County is analyzing stream ecosystems.

watershed walks

Watershed Walks

The Bureau of Watershed Protection & Restoration hosts seasonal "Watershed Walks" of restored sites, open to the public by RSVP-only. Learn from the experts about how these projects work to improve water quality for Anne Arundel County and enhance riparian habitat for wildlife.

BWPR Restoration Project Goals

(Number of projects completed/anticipated)
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Stream & Shoreline Restoration
46 out of 101 Completed
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Stormwater Management
50 out of 73 Completed
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Outfall Stablization
14 out of 25 Completed

BWPR MS4 Attainment Goals

(acres to date/projected acres)
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5th Generation MS4 Permit Progress Tracking
2998 out of 2998 Completed